Greig sendromu
Greig sendromu (Greig sefalopolisindaktili sendromu) kalıtsal bir sendromdur. Kafatası ve el parmaklarının birbirlerine yapışık olmasıyla karakterizedir (cephalopolysyndactylia).
- Garip yüz yapısı
- Makrosefali
- Trigonosefali
- Alın bombesi yüksek
- Kemik yaşı ileri
- Hipertelorizm
- Kafatası suturalarında geç kapanma
- Parmak anomalileri (polidaktili, sindaktili)
- Büyük baş parmak
- Herniler
- Epileptiform ataklar (ender)
- Johnston JJ, Olivos-Glander I, Killoran C, et al. Molecular and clinical analyses of Greig cephalopolysyndactyly and Pallister-Hall syndromes: robust phenotype prediction from the type and position of GLI3 mutations. American Journal of Human Genetics, 76:609–622, 2005
- Allanson JE, Cunniff C, Hoyme HE, et al. Elements of morphology: standard terminology for the head and face. American Journal of Medical Genetics A, 149A:6–28, 2009
- Hurst JA, Jenkins D, Vasudevan PC, et al. Metopic and sagittal synostosis in Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome: five cases with intragenic mutations or complete deletions of GLI3. European Journal of Human Genetics, 19: 757-762, 2011
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