Anarşizmle ilgili filmler
Bu liste anarşizmle veya anarşist hareketlerle ilgili ya da anarşist temaya sahip kurgusal ve kurgusal olmayan filmleri içerir.
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Aktörü olan veya kurgusal filmler
- Anarchists (film)
- The Anarchist Cookbook (film)
- The Anarchist's Wife
- Behold a Pale Horse (film)
- Born in Flames
- Butterfly's Tongue
- Eros Plus Massacre
- La estrategia del caracol
- Fight Club
- Gus and the Anarchists
- Homotopia
- Human Resources (film)
- Land and Freedom
- Libertarias
- Love and Anarchy
- Rebellion in Patagonia
- Reds (film)
- Sacco e Vanzetti
- Salvador (Puig Antich)
- Slacker (film)
- Sweet Movie
- This Revolution
- Tout Va Bien
- V for Vendetta (film)
- What to Do in Case of Fire?
- Zero for Conduct
- Protesto (film)
- Joker (film, 2019)
- Ácratas
- Anarchism in America (film)
- Breaking the Spell (film)
- CrimethInc. Guerilla Film Series, Volume One
- The Diary of Sacco and Vanzetti
- Emma Goldman: The Anarchist Guest
- The Free Voice of Labor
- Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
- Sacco and Vanzetti (film)
- El Sopar
- The Take (2004 film)
- There Is No Authority But Yourself
Dış bağlantılar
- "Anarchism and Film". A database created by Santiago Juan-Navarro and hosted by ChristieBooks24 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- "A revolution in cinema?"15 Şubat 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. by Duncan Campbell in The Guardian. An article dealing with anarchist films
- "Anarchist films"16 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. by Anarcho. An article on the subject which includes the trailers of some important films
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